
Four undergraduate students of the University of the Aizu (UoA) participated in the Dalian Short-Study Abroad Program organized by Dalian Neusoft Institute of Information in Dalian, China this summer.

The program was held from August 21st to September 2nd, and 25 students including our students participated. The students stayed for 2 weeks at the International students' dormitory at Dalian Neusoft Institute of Information. They experienced Chinese culture and history through interaction with Chinese students, had a lecture about Chinese market, and visited companies. They had significant experiences through this program, and commented as follows;

"I got interested in e-commerce and information industry, and surprised at how commonly e-commerce such as electronic money is being used in even small shops in China. We also had Chinese classes, which encouraged me to keep studying Chinese."

"We enjoyed meals and sightseeing with Chinese students and socialized with local people. I was so glad that they were very warm and kind to us. Through this experience, I could notice that I had some prejudices against China and Chinese people. To learn different culture is important to understand each other."

"Before this program, I was worried about going abroad and prejudiced against China, but now we feel China is a close and friendly country. Besides, I think we do not have to hesitate to go abroad anymore. I would like to deepen the ties with Chinese students in the UoA. Thanks to this wonderful program, my impression for China totally changed and I realized how important it is to communicate more deeply each other."

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