Scholarship from JASSO

JASSO comprehensively administers scholarship loan programs, support programs for Japanese undergraduate and graduate students with good health who are excellent in both personality and academic achievement and who are experiencing severe difficulty in payment of school and living expenses. JASSO provides two types of scholarship loans of Category I and Category II as explained below. The loan period starts from the month when your application is accepted and ends in the month of your graduation.
For further information for applicants and current recipients of JASSO scholarship loan programs, refer to JASSO website.

(1) Category I:

Without interest. Eligible applicants are those who are outstanding in academic achievement and have serious financial difficulty.

(2) Category II:

With interest. The selection criteria are less rigorous than those of Category I.

*Special addition to the admission month's amount:

Freshmen who are accepted to either program above and start receiving the loan from their admission month can request a special addition (one of the following amounts of your choice) to the admission month's amount.

- 100,000 yen/200,000 yen/300,000 yen/400,000 yen/500,000 yen

(3) Monthly amounts:

For Category Monthly Amount
Undergraduate students I ?Commuting from your home: 30,000 yen or 45,000 yen
?Commuting from an apartment, etc.: 30,000 yen or 51,000 yen
II 30,000 yen, 50,000 yen, 80,000 yen, 100,000 yen, or 120,000 yen
Master's students I 50,000 yen or 88,000 yen
II 50,000 yen, 80,000 yen, 100,000 yen, 130,000 yen, or 150,000 yen
Doctoral students I 80,000 yen or 122,000 yen
II 50,000 yen, 80,000 yen, 100,000 yen, 130,000 yen, or 150,000 yen

*Those amounts are subject to change.

(4) Call for applications:

In April each year. Scholarship announcements will be sent via "u-aizu-announce-gakuseibu".

(5) Urgent necessity-based application:

For those who urgently need a scholarship loan due to a sudden change in household caused by the main income earner's losing job, bankruptcy, injury, sickness or death, or a fire or natural disasters, applications for Category I (Urgent) and Category II (Urgent) will be accepted as needed.

(6) Procedures after acceptance to JASSO scholarship loan programs:

a. Notice of acceptance:

Accepted applicants will receive notification of acceptance via e-mail from the Student Affairs Division. When you receive the notification, come to the Student Affairs Division with your JASSO Recipient ID to receive the "JASSO Handbook for Scholarship Loan Recipients" and "Written Oath of Repayment".

b. Annual confirmation to continue the scholarship loan program:

Between mid-January and mid-February, JASSO scholarship loan recipients are required to submit an online request to show intention to continue their scholarship loan program for the following year. The Student Affairs Division will send you an e-mail requesting this report in early January. When you receive it, come to the Student Affairs Division and receive your personal mail. This confirmation is MANDATORY to receive the scholarship loan in the following academic year.

c. Status change report:

In case of a change in your status, such as a change of your address or joint guarantor, leave of absence, withdrawal, or studying abroad, etc., immediately report it to the Student Health and Welfare Services Section.

(7) Suspension and discontinuation:

Your JASSO scholarship loan will be suspended or discontinued in case of losing the recipient qualification due to leave of absence or poor academic performance.

(8) Repayment:

The repayment of the scholarship loan starts following the termination of the scholarship loan program due to your graduation or withdrawal from the University, declination of acceptance to the scholarship loan program, or discontinuation/expiration of the loan period. The repayment can be made either in monthly installments or in the combined method of monthly and biannual installments, and must be completed in the specified repayment period. With regard to Category II loan, the repayment amount includes the interest of maximum of 3% to be imposed after your graduation. If you are still enrolled in the University after termination of the scholarship loan, the repayment can be postponed upon request. To request the postponement of repayment, submit the "Enrollment Certificate" to JASSO.

(9) Repayment exemption:

Repayment exemption is applicable to Graduate School Category I.

Repayment exemption system for those who attained "distinguished achievements"

Eligible applicants are those who are recognizes as having attained distinguished educational or research achievements in their areas of specialization during enrollment at the Graduate Program. Candidates selected based on UoA selection criteria will be recommended to JASSO for final decision.


In addition to JASSO programs, there are other scholarship or loan programs offered by municipal governments or private sectors. Scholarship/loan announcements will be posted on the newsgroup (u-aizu-announce-gakuseibu) whenever we receive a call for applications. For further details, contact the Student Health and Welfare Services Section.

< Programs recently applied by UoA students>
Name Scholarship/Loan Monthly amount
Fukushima Prefectural Scholarship Loan 35,000 yen
Nozaki Wakaba Scholarship Scholarship (Repayment not required) 30,000 yen
ASHINAGA Educational and emotional support for orphans worldwide Loan General Category: 40,000 yen
Special Category: 50,000 yen
Foundation for Orphans from Automobile Accidents Loan Options: 40,000 yen, 50,000 yen or 60,000 yen

Educational Loans by JFC

Japan Finance Corporation's (JFC) "National Education Loan" is a public education loan to support payment of admission fees, tuition, textbook costs, house rent deposits and rents. For details, contact National Education Loan Call Center at 0570-008656 (audio assistance), 03-5321-8656, or JFC's branch offices.